I do not receive mail

In some e-mail systems, Mowiz e-mails are filed in the SPAM or Junk E-mail folder for reasons beyond our control.

If you cannot find the booking confirmation e-mail, the account activation e-mail, or any other e-mail, please:

  • Check your junk mail folder, as it is possible that your incoming mail server has marked it as SPAM.
  • To prevent Mowiz emails from being filed as spam in the future, you can select an email you have received from us and click on the button indicating "this is not spam" or add us to the safe senders list.

In case you have not received the activation e-mail, you cannot find it in your spam folder or you have accidentally deleted it, you can request us to send you a new account activation e-mail.

If you still do not receive your activation email within a few minutes, please send us a request from this link Submit a request providing us with the email account with which you registered at Mowiz.eu with the Subject: Activate, and our team It will deal.

Have more questions? Submit a request


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